My Name Is Megan, And I am a Cancer (Zodiac not to Society)
I have a confession. This has been a long time coming. I accept that my Astrological sign is Cancer. I have been fighting it for a long time, because the stereotype of a Cancer is someone who is moody and wants tons of babies. You know the everything is fine until you use the wrong tone then they get sulky, wanting you to ask them if they are okay constantly as they give passive aggressive responses. Yeah, that is not me. Sometimes though stereotypes are built on patterns rather than truth. So as part of my Zodiac Acknowledgement Support Program (ZASP), the first step is to vocalize why I am a Cancer. Home/Family/Country are Important Now most people interpret this as a flag-waving woman, baking cookies for their family, and never wanting to leave home. Truth is the idea of 'home' differs on the person. I thrive when I feel I have a foundation. Meaning my home are my friends, my job, my community, and the world in which I live in. If I feel my country is unstable--I feel st...