Declutter Life

The last two weeks I have felt this constant restlessness pulling at me. My mind has been racing and just feel overwhelmed by all the things that I am doing. Seems like many people I care about are feeling the same way. Sometimes it is hard to voice how you feel or pinpoint why you are feeling off. Sometimes we even blame the wrong thing or we ignore it in the hopes that it goes away. I tried the latter option, but the feeling kept climbing as the days unfolded then it began to creep into other parts of my life.

Last week I did not workout and my nutrition was atrocious. I was exhausted so I chose shortcuts to give myself a break, but those things ended up making me more tired and stressed. This week I began to forget simple things I routinely did. I forgot my laptop at work, my work keys at home, and today I forgot some papers I was going to work on over the weekend. Sometimes we need a moment to get our breath back and to really look into what is going on.

After school today, I began to list all the thoughts on my mind whether they were good or bad. All the things that were pulling at me. Turns out my restlessness is not in one area it is in all areas. Once I had list as many as possible I them categorized them into certain zones. Then I ripped the paper out of my bullet journal and paste it on the side of my sofa where I kicked a soccer ball at it. The more I kicked the more I felt better about things.

Overextending myself has always been an issue. I take pride in the work I do, I take pride in my students, I take pride in being a good friend, I take pride in being a good family member, but sometimes when the noise gets so loud you stop being to perform anywhere.

This weekend. I plan to focus on what I need and what my body needs. This weekend is not about escape. It is about acceptance and being present. I hope all of you have weekends that leave you feeling recharged.


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