Plans Worth Adapting

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." - Douglas Adams

During my high school years I got a lot of advice, some I asked for others forced it on me, but at the end of the day I listened to what I felt was best for me. I am a big believer in having a 'Plan A' that constantly changes and gets edited. Life has a funny way of working in strange ways and every time you see dominance life will turn the opposite way. At the end of the day I do think we get what we need and if we are open to it life will shape us into what we always wanted, but the how we imagined might not come into fruition.

Let me give an example. As a high school student and into my early college years, I wanted to become a radio personality. I loved conversation and meeting new people. Loved promoting new music I found. Discussing the news of the day. Dissecting the human condition and human trends. I also had a deeper voice for a girl, which lends itself to radio, and even when I was five I was told that I was quite articulate. Downright persuasive. I went for it. Every decision I made was to become that radio personality or political commentator. The college I chose, the major I chose, and even the hobbies that I did on the side was about becoming that.

Then something happened. I met people, I had new experiences, and I fell into a completely different world. Though it still marked the boxes. I still dissect the human condition, dialogue, public speak, and facilitate discussions. I meet new people and learn new things every day. Instead of being a radio personality though... I became an educator. A dynamic relational career that has a large impact on society. I speak my mind, I motivate, I support, and I learn new things everyday.

I became who I was meant to become, but I did not get to the place where I intended. So if you are in a situation right now that feels stuck or you are in the middle. Keep going for what you want. You might not get what you think you want, but I promise you will get something you always needed.

Life is a journey. One without a clear map. Our gut is our navigational system. Our brains help us follow through. Our hearts propel us forward. To ignore any part of ourselves will get us lost. We must listen to ourselves and the world around us to discover what we were always meant to be. I personally think we are all worth fighting for. Don't let people dim your light. Keep going. Adjust as needed. 


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