Reflective Lessons: August the Month of Opposites.
This is really a reflection of some strange torn feelings that August has brought into my mind, but before I get to that I feel it is necessary to understand how I got to these reflections. So I will start with bullet-journaling. I contribute my success for weight loss and all around stronger mental health to keeping up with Bullet Journaling. This small part of my daily life carved time for reflection and organization. Organization Single place to put down training plans and to-do lists. Single place to put down all my meetings, tasks, and events. Provides a space to chunk out big tasks so that I am successful with the goals I set for myself. The most important part of the Bullet Journal process though was the built-in reflection piece. Organization is great in that tasks get complete, I don't lose sight of the small things when stressed, and I make sure the important things get done first. Sometimes though tasks just become tasks. Part of the...