
Spring looks like it is finally here. That means more hikes, more socializing, and of course that there is a much needed rest around the corner. Spring also reminds us that change is one of the most natural phenomenons in life. Every animal, every ecosystem, every seasonal weather pattern, and even the process of evolution all handle change in different ways. Change though is the constant. Motion, moving forward, flow, transformation, or any other word you could substitute with it all indicates a constant movement not meant to be stopped.

Change though is hard for many human-beings, mainly, because it requires us to make a series of choices about how we react to change that is unplanned or take a leap of faith to force a change. Then of course there are changes that make us feel nostalgic for a simplistic idea that the past seems better than the present. Change though is not bad. It is necessary, in fact, it's natural.

So why is some change harder than others? Well, to be honest change requires a certain level of trust. Trust in yourself, trust in the relationship, or trust in the universe, and sometimes all three are necessary. The point is, taking a risk, is always worth it even if the change did not happen the way you had planned. Embracing the change will always benefit you more than fighting it. Ignoring unhappiness or boredom will only grow if you do not make a choice to shift your focus or try something new. Accepting and celebrating the new will always make you more appreciative of what was and help shape what will be.

Personally, I am great with change, in certain aspects of my life more than others. Professionally, I am a daredevil. Always take risks, always put myself out there, always try something, and always willing to fail. Always willing to admit that I have no idea what I am doing other than it just feels right. I creatively think through problems and trust my instincts. My classroom looks like a tornado, because when I get to work my mind is literally creating as I go. I never let myself be safe at work, because I always want to grow and the only way to do that is to tweak what I've been doing.

Someone who sees me at work or looks at my classroom will be shocked at my private life. My apartment is clean...I have routines for everything... and a place for everything. If something doesn't fit then I throw it out. My home is my place of contemplation and very little changes there. Even my personal life in general I do not take many risks. I am incredibly private in nature. Not truly expressive with my feelings. I think we are all walking contradictions. Professionally I am a creative storm, personally I am a secret passage way where only the most VIP have access to. I am both things. One area of my life I feel more comfortable with my instincts than the other. 

The point of this reflection is this. The place where you feel more at home to take the most risks tends to be the place you feel most safe. So... maybe the place where we keep things closed is the place where we need the most change. And maybe the thing you do, in the name of protecting yourself, is actually a part of your life that you distrust...

"Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong." - N.R. Narayana Murthy  

So I will continue to have those tough conversations with myself and I encourage you to do so as well. I trust in your ability and strength to handle the change you never chose to face. I trust in your ability to handle the obstacles of the unknown in the change you chose to embrace. I trust in your ability to reflect and play around with the idea of the change that you find the hardest to make or that you don't want to make. I trust...because we have made it this far... and sometimes trust is the only choice to make when you have to follow your natural progression of moving forward. 


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