There are Few Truths
This is not an exhaustive list. These are the truths that I have been thinking about in recent weeks and I am sure you all know some more. Socrates asked questions to expose that those who were certain should admit the gaps in their knowledge. There are so many things that are not proven nor will ever be proven. So much that is unknown and will probably be always unknown. So what are the things that we can hold onto? Well, I think it comes from a lot of observations about life. These are my truths about life. I hope to hear yours.
- Because there are few truths in life we should never be afraid to experiment, read, travel, dialogue, and get ourselves out of our comfort zone. The pursuit of truth is not a safe venture it is a vulnerable one. We are not the experts on everything and to acknowledge that means to be wiser than those who do not see that.
- Speaking our truth is better than wallowing in things that are left unsaid or left undone. It will create internal or external conflict that becomes harder to resolve as time goes by.
- Change that is unplanned is quick, change you want is slow. Either way change is inevitable.
- Everyone hears the negative things that they have been told and everyone sees the imperfections in themselves. This is why we should speak to empower the people around us and speak to empower ourselves. Most people are their biggest critics. Let us not add to their negative noise.
- Travel and talk to diverse people. Especially people who had different experiences or view points than us. This shift in perspective will change us for the better. Talking with like-minded souls will never challenge us. Instead we will become more entrenched. This is not an enlightened way to live.
- Take time to reflect. A moment a day where we put away all distractions and just have time to think about where things are with ourselves. If we don't stop every now and again the world WILL pass us by. Ferris Bueller was onto something.
- Good ideas are hard to sell. People would rather do what is easy or what has always been done. If you have a good idea keep at it. Be persistent. Eventually people will see it for what it is or in pursuit of the good idea we might find an even greater one.
- Life is paradoxical. It's okay that is. It is both beautiful and depressing, connecting and alienating, oppressive and privileged, loving and full of hate, full of pain and full of pleasure, moments of success and moments of failure, and those paradoxes exist cause life itself is paradoxical. We are all born and we will all die. Balance is key.
- Our planet has finite resources we should take care of it regardless of whether it is easy, proven, or which political party came up with the idea. Those who put current comforts ahead of future catastrophe are not service minded. We are humans we should help other humans, we should help animals, and we should take care of our home.
- Do not seek happiness. Seek contentment. Unhappiness is due to having unrealistic expectations of what life should be. Stop comparing ourselves to people's highlight reels, stop comparing life to our fantasies, and focus on the self and what is real. Go for the things that will make us content, because when life gets hard we'll have the tools to survive it.
- We should believe in something larger than ourselves. Have a worldview, a philosophy, or a religion. But do not hide behind these belief systems to justify hate or stop ourselves from being open to different perspectives. But to have something that is beyond the self helps bring purpose to our lives and gives us a direction to walk in.
What are the truths that you have discovered? Help a sister out. I am only one person and only represent one page in the infinite book of life.
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