Biggest Life Lesson
The biggest life lessons are actually quiet, gradual, and you will be sitting randomly drinking a cup of Earl Grey as it slowly creeps to the conscious part of your mind. Or at least that's how it happened to me. One of the most common questions on journaling topic lists are: What is a lesson you wish you could go back in time and tell your sixteen year old self? What is the biggest lesson you have learned in life? So as cliched as it seems, I decided to take this topic on, because I believe this is a lesson that would work in any phase of life. Phases of Life: Curious Kid: Life is a journey and when you start you are open to everything. You are a kid. Everything around you is exciting and unknown. So you seize the day and do crazy dangerous things like put a key in a socket, because you were pretending to drive the DeLorean. You are excited about school and you can imagine yourself doing anything. Life is mystery and it's fun. Disson...