Having Fun

This is not going to a long blog post, because my major musings are more global in scale and I have yet to even contain those thoughts even 1%. I will though leave you with this thought.

Life is crazy, hectic, and one hell of a ride sometimes. But even when you are ragged and exhausted if you are not having fun then something is not quite right.

Right now I am thinking about the future of my discipline, unsure of where it is going, trusting the process, and knowing there are many learning curves. I have signed up for new responsibilities with a research group, maintaining certain work I have always done, and maybe even contemplating coaching soccer. My plate is not emptier or lighter, but my plate is definitely filled with more nutrient rich food.  Taking on projects I am passionate about, care about, and make my Ravenclaw mind run with abandon to solve a problem that has yet to be solved. I got rid of the things that I was doing out of being a 'team player' that really was not good for me and took on more of what I love. Been more social as well and made sure to make opportunities to travel. Rest on the weekends when needed with all the things I find entertaining and soul nurturing. My plate is full... definitely busy... stressed even... but it's a different kind than it has been in the past.

So my conclusion is, busy is okay, just make sure the busy you are undertaking is worth it.

This is what I have been doing, offering it out to the public to use at will, but I made a list of all the things I am doing. Created symbols for stressed/motivated, stressed/angry, happy, energized, and draining. Stressed/angry and draining were items that I needed to let go of. Then I made a list of the things I wish I was doing more. Now I am trying to implement those things in my life more. Hard to do. So hard to do. But I found this process illuminating.

Some changes I noticed is that I have not used as many sick days this semester than I had in the past. I normally get exhausted and where my body just gives up. I also get sick easily when stressed or upset. My body and mind are very much connected. I think that the lack of sick days is directly related to getting rid of the things that make going to work or living harder, and letting myself go wild for the things that motive and energize me.

So, if you can, prioritize and get rid of the extra baggage that you really do not need. Or at least start the conversation with yourself. Might help. Especially as we wrap up the second semester. I'm feeling stressed, but the drive to meet that stress is still running quite high.


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