
Many people ask me a lot of questions about how I lost weight, how do I keep it off, and how I fit in all the things I do in a short amount of time. First of all, I definitely do not have life all figured out. Still a struggle and there are some days that are harder than others. I never want to project that image of perfection, because it does not exist. So I have no answers for that, because no matter what striving for your goals is going to take work. There is no short cut. It just does.

I can answer this question though: Why am I doing better than I did before?

I was always someone who was athletic and active. I schooled my PE teacher at field hockey. I competed with the neighborhood boys on the soccer field, baseball, roller hockey, and soccer. But I was also the worst time manager in the entire world, due to laziness and also just a scattered mind. A million things would run through my mind and I would start a million things, but not finish anything since I always got another idea. Or I would want to play competitive sports, but my disorganization hurt my grades keeping me from it. And then when I got my act together I had so much catching up to do that it left me no time for anything else. I am also someone who gets lost in things and sometimes I can get so obsessive that personal needs are forgotten. House becomes a mess. Forget to shower. Errands pile up. Everything starts to pile up. Making it seem like none of the tasks are possible. The combination of my ADHD and my obsessive mind created huge pitfalls for me when it came to being productive. I always seemed to be catching up or falling behind, and it was always the most vital elements of self-care that were the first to go when things went wrong.

So, now, I still have an obsessive ADHD mind. I just use it differently by utilizing a bullet journal system. I use it to keep track of tasks, to brainstorm lesson plans, create fitness plans, track foods that make me thrive or ill, focus on increasing good habits, and reflect on where I am as well as remind myself the why. I spend twenty minutes a day working on my bullet journal. Ten minutes in the morning setting goals, tasks, and writing down any thoughts that need to be written down. Then I spend ten minutes at night reflecting, processing, and analyzing what happened during the day. Do not let pinterest convince you out of doing a bullet journal. It should always be function over form. My handwriting is messy, my drawings are distorted, and my lines are not perfect. But what the journal gives me is one place to organize, explore, plan, think, relive, brainstorm, reflect, wonder, experiment, and remind. For, all elements of my life and all parts of myself. So I can make sure to do what is most important. Plus it allows me to have twenty minutes of uninterrupted and quiet time to just be. No music. No computer. No distractions. Just my pen and my bullet journal.

I take it everywhere I go and I jot down random things throughout the day as needed as well. I am now on my third bullet journal which is a big deal. I am so thankful that I took this leap of faith and tried this system out despite being worried that mine might not be as cool as others. Because the truth is that it doesn't have to be cool it just has to be me. And my journals are me. The more I started to utilize the journal the more clear I felt in my thinking. I could feel myself being a healthier leader at my school, getting projects done, experimenting and innovating my craft, and keeping track of how I feel. Learning what brings me down and what lifts me up. It also helps me manage my stressful time as well by remind me that even though x, y, and z happened I need to not forget about a, b, and c cause ultimately it will help me overcome the challenges. It has taught me how to be disciplined as well. Also allows me to be creative and have a place for all the random thought experiments I have.

So when you ask me how to be amazing. I have no answers, because I might be amazing sometimes but not every time. I can't sell you a product. Or a quick three word answer like electric shock therapy. But I can tell you that having twenty minutes of your day dedicated to just you, pen, and paper can make a big difference in getting you along in the journey. Go for it. You deserve to go after your goals! Give yourself moments to thrive.


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