This was suppose to be my Thursday reflection, but I was enjoying time with family and being present. Sometimes journaling loses its power when it becomes a source of stress or obligation. So, I allowed myself to enjoy my present and then reflect today. It bothers me on a fundamental level that we have a day, albeit with strange historical connections, but a day dedicated to being grateful for the things we have in our life. Then we follow this day with expected gluttony in buying all sorts of material goods. It seems to me all our traditions that should be grounded in family, love, and relaxation quickly turn into stress over material things. So I wanted to make a list of things that I am truly grateful for that have nothing to do with the superficial. I am grateful for the laborers, workers, truckers, and anyone else involved with the process of growing, harvesting, and then delivering my food. These industries do not get enough love, but without them working hard and doing the d...