Limitless Potential

PART 1: Potential 

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Sharon Begley

Unknowns are scary. I have been working on embracing unknowns. Some people see the unknown as instability or feeling like something is looming around the corner which might blindside them. Instead I am intentionally taking the mindset that there is always opportunity around the corner. Sometimes we might be tested, but instead of thinking of it as a challenge let us think about it as an opportunity to prove ourselves. Sometimes we might fall, but instead of thinking of it as a failure think about it as an opportunity to learn. Sometimes we might be presented with negativity, which could bring us down or we could become agents of change to remove it from ourselves.

Life is about how you see it. Incredible things will happen and you will know it soon.

PART 2: Making A Difference 

In thinking about what to write about today, I remembered a post that I did awhile ago, and figured it would be good to revisit the concept. I think it is important to think about the good you do in the world. If you have a hard time coming up with something then you know that something must change. If you can come up with something then you know that you are heading in the right direction. In my opinion, we should be making a difference and it does not have to be on a large scale just being a great friend is enough.

Obviously my career choice provides me opportunities to make a real difference and on the other side of that coin we also have the potential to do harm. I think though, I am getting through to some of my students. I hope I continue to strive to be a positive force is someone's life.

PART 3: Doing Your Best  

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

This is actually a quote I plan to use next Monday with my students. Every Monday, I do a mindful free write for my students. People, especially when I was younger, give up because they feel they will not be able to pass the test, complete the project, get the date, complete a goal, or go on an adventure, because they feel ill prepared. Doing your best everyday is all the preparation and taking that action to give it your all will give you results. Maybe not at first, but eventually it all catches up.

See our potential is limitless if we put our mind to doing good and choose to take that first step.


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