Happiness, Future, and Writing for Exploration

PART 1: Self Love 

"Whoever is happy will make others happy too." - Anne Frank

Sometimes, as teachers, or any public servant job, or care job we put others ahead of ourselves most of the time. Mothers and fathers often put their children ahead of themselves as well. Not saying that caring for your kids or giving a 150% is wrong, because it really is noble, but you cannot be an effective 150% unless you have given yourself enough time to thrive. Just like on the airplane you must put on your own oxygen mask before helping others, because in the end you can save more people.

It is important to take time for yourself, to listen to yourself, and to allow yourself to take off some of the load that you might be carrying.

Take care of yourself. You will be a better friend, a better partner, a better colleague, a better teacher, and a better person because of it. It is from that optimal position that transformations happen both within and without.

PART 2: Future  

If I had an opportunity to talk to a true fortune teller I am not sure if I would ask them about the future. Part of what makes the future magical is the unknown. Some people fear it, but I like knowing there is endless potential waiting for me. Dwelling on what cannot be changed or sabotaging myself to try to prevent the future seems horrible.

I think the only thing I would want to know is if I am on the right track. This was a question I asked recently when someone read my tarot cards. Suppose the only thing I want to know is if I am doing myself harm or am I doing myself right. The details can be hidden. I don't need them.

PART 3: Writing My Own Story 

"Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself." - Octavia E. Butler

My favorite English class was my Essay Composition class taught by Ms. Satterstrom. The reason being that she rarely told us what to write about, but instead allowed us to explore where we wanted to go with very loose themes. She even encouraged writing our thoughts down without judgment of being graded. Like for instance this journal, right here. I am sure that if I looked closer I would find grammar mistakes and most likely run-on-sentences, because like Kerouac himself, the rules of the English language always seems to limit my thoughts rather illuminate them. I do not write to be impressive, but instead to change me and to create myself. I have been doing it since high school. Blogs about politics, blogs about life, or in this case blogs to give me ten minutes to be present.

What you produce is a part of you, and that production can help manufacture the path you walk along.

Control your life. It's easy to fall complacent.


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