
Showing posts from September, 2019

9/11...and everything that followed.

9/11 is one of the most transformative days in United States history. It changed our relationship with the world, shifted our relationship with globalization in general, put in motion two wars, created new terrorist networks, polarized political parties, laid down seeds of mistrust in Democracy, cleared the path for nationalism, and made us a fearful people. So as the years pass and the more we know about how this day impacted us the pomp and circumstance that surrounds the day seems false and forced. We put on our patriotic hat to pause for those who died that day only to go back to our polarized camps of distrusting and undermining one another mere hours later. So as much as I mourn for the death of almost 3,000 people that died there is so much more to this day than that. I mourn the men and women who gave their lives to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. I mourn for the ones who came back who have yet to fully gain the benefits they deserve. I mourn for the soldiers who are still fig...

Being Nice vs. Being Honest

Introduction  Human beings are the masters of paradoxes. Our entire existence surrounds the most universal one of life and death. Other paradoxes that are apparent in history involve the issues of freedom vs. security,  unity vs. individuality, personal wealth vs. collective wealth, tradition vs. innovation, and there are so many others yet to be named. It is this pull that lives within humans that ask the question which side do I value more or how do I maintain a perfect balance of the two. Depending on the culture and the individual the answer to that question might look different. There is one paradox in particular that I have been thinking about lately. The paradox of kindness vs. honesty. This one bothers me to no end, because to me it is a paradox that exists due to toxic definitions of kindness and honesty. To be honest should be kind, and to be kind should be honest. So my plan is to examine both sides of these words to show how the toxic side forces a choice betwee...