Spring looks like it is finally here. That means more hikes, more socializing, and of course that there is a much needed rest around the corner. Spring also reminds us that change is one of the most natural phenomenons in life. Every animal, every ecosystem, every seasonal weather pattern, and even the process of evolution all handle change in different ways. Change though is the constant. Motion, moving forward, flow, transformation, or any other word you could substitute with it all indicates a constant movement not meant to be stopped. Change though is hard for many human-beings, mainly, because it requires us to make a series of choices about how we react to change that is unplanned or take a leap of faith to force a change. Then of course there are changes that make us feel nostalgic for a simplistic idea that the past seems better than the present. Change though is not bad. It is necessary, in fact, it's natural. So why is some change harder than others? Well, to be hones...