There are Few Truths
This is not an exhaustive list. These are the truths that I have been thinking about in recent weeks and I am sure you all know some more. Socrates asked questions to expose that those who were certain should admit the gaps in their knowledge. There are so many things that are not proven nor will ever be proven. So much that is unknown and will probably be always unknown. So what are the things that we can hold onto? Well, I think it comes from a lot of observations about life. These are my truths about life. I hope to hear yours. Because there are few truths in life we should never be afraid to experiment, read, travel, dialogue, and get ourselves out of our comfort zone. The pursuit of truth is not a safe venture it is a vulnerable one. We are not the experts on everything and to acknowledge that means to be wiser than those who do not see that. Speaking our truth is better than wallowing in things that are left unsaid or left undone. It will create internal or external conflict t...