Self Is Biggest Asset and Biggest Obstacle
I once got in trouble with a friend, because I told this person that self-love needs to come before other kinds of love. I do not regret my statements and I will say it everyday of the week. Here is my reasoning. The biggest deterrence of contentment is when we put too much on other people. When you expect someone to make you happy or when you say to yourself 'if I had this I would be happy,' because the truth is contentment comes from what you do and how you treat yourself. Friends and love ones are meant to help support not the ones who are suppose to take on all the pressure. I like to think of this as the structure principal. You create a wonderful structure and you can remove certain stones which might make you weak, but you are still standing, and it is self-love that is the keystone. Once the keystone is moved the whole structure falls even if the other stones are strong and sturdy, because it is that stone that takes on the most pressure. My friends are not responsibl...